Saturday, 27 February 2010

The University Strategic Vision: Workshop #1

I previously mentioned on an earlier blog that I was participating in a workshop to help write a new Strategic Vision for the University. My workshop focussed on a National perspective, whilst the others looked at Regional and International.

The first of the two National workshops has now taken place. We used this workshop to mindmap a series of responses to three questions. The questions and some of the responses are as follows:

Q1. What factors and drivers will influence our strategy and capacity to position ourselves at a national level?

  • political climate (especially the General Election).
  • economic climate.
  • review of HE Funding.
  • green agenda.
  • use of new technology.
Q2. What outcomes might we seek to achieve to position ourselves on a national level? What type of University do we want to be?

  • to top the national and international league tables.
  • to have diverse funding streams.
  • increase our profile and blow our own trumpet!
  • engage with stakeholders: students, public, media, alumni, etc.
  • take pride in our heritage: industrial chic!
  • take pride in our staff team.
Q3. What are the most important challenges we face in meeting our aims? How can we take control of how we define ourselves?

  • communicating the strategy and getting the staff buy-in.
  • making tough choices and sticking with them.
  • clear vision: defining our strengths and weaknesses.
  • managing expectations of staff.
No specifics will be decided until the second workshop. In the meantime, you can read the full summary of the first workshop here.

Thursday, 25 February 2010


The University Careers & Advice Centre are working on a pilot scheme to develop PGR employability prospects. The scheme is called Adept.

Financed by Roberts Funding, the scheme will recruit an Adept Coordinator for each College (who themselves will be a paid PGR from within that College) and they will work to promote employability opportunities for students towards the end of their PhD.

The Adept Coordinators will work closely with both University Careers and academics from their respective College to ensure a mixture of both academic and non-academic post-PhD careers.

Two important upcoming dates for Adept are:

21st April - the next Grad School networking lunch with an Adept-focussed presentation.
21st-24th June - PhD Careers Week with five events, each specifically tailored to the different Colleges.

More information to follow.

It is hoped that if the pilot scheme is successful, the University will continue funding Adept after the Roberts Funding runs out in 2011.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Vote For Students

The NUS have launched a new website called Vote For Students in anticipation of the upcoming General Election.

Students from across the UK have been registering their details, along with non-students who equally want to show their support.

The NUS will then contact all of the registered students in the weeks leading up to the General Election with information about each political party's view towards Higher Education Funding.

Students can then make an informed decision about which party will look out for the interests of students, particularly in relation to whether the current cap will be lifted. As such, it is hoped that students will vote for the party with their best interests at heart.

With two million students in the UK, this could have a huge bearing on the result of the General Election and therefore the future of students across the country. Register with the website here.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

PGMSA Catch-Up

I met up with the Postgraduate & Mature Students' Association (PGMSA) for a catch-up.

We decided that we would focus on one campaign and one event.

The campaign is going to be pushing the PTES Survey 2010. More on that here.

The event is going to be a potential Day Trip to Warwick/Bath/York/somewhere. We felt that this would be an inclusive social event, with much appeal to International Students' who make up a large proportion of our postgraduate population. Mature students would also be able to bring along their children. Details to follow.

There was also much discussion about putting together a Handover Folder for next year's PGMSA. We are all aware that the Association rarely has two active years in a row and it has been hard mobilising the Association this year. We hope to overcome this with a good handover in place and a possible Welcome Week publication specifically tailored for postgraduates.

NUS Postgraduate Forum - Bath

The second NUS Postgraduate Forum took place last Saturday in Bath.

Postgraduate representatives from all over the UK gathered to discuss postgraduate issues and share best practise.

The following took place:
  • Professor Jane Millar, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Research at the University of Bath gave on talk on sustaining the postgraduate experience in a harsh funding climate.
  • the results of the PGR Employment Survey were presented to the forum.
  • we shared our practises and priorities in an interative plenary session.
  • we looked into the economics of PGT study, the costs of different courses and how it is funded.
  • we closed by discussing whether research should be concentrated into fewer Universities.
Many thanks to the NUS, Aaron Porter, Debbie McVitty, George-Konstantis Charonis and Richard Guthrie for arranging the forum.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2010

Are you a Postgraduate Taught (PGT) student at the University of Birmingham? If so, then you now have a unique opportunity to tell the University what it is like to be a postgraduate here.

The 2010 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survery (PTES) opens on 1st March. This is a national survey run by the Higher Education Academy together with the University of Birmingham and asks you about your experiences of your postgraduate taught programme.

Are you happy with your lecture content? Is your essay feedback substantial? Does your department charge you for any extra costs, such as books and travel? Your views are important and by completing the survey you will help improve the student experience for both yourself and future students.

So, if you are a PGT student then please take a few minutes to complete this influential survey. All responses will be treated anonymously and with confidentiality.

The PTES survey only takes around five minutes to complete and it will be emailed to you on Monday 1st March.

Have your say.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Survey Season!

It's survey time!

All students are opinionated but so few take the opportunity to voice their opinions.

Well, now's your chance! Below are three very important surveys and we would love to hear your views.

1. Your View
Conducted by: The Guild of Students
Prize: £500 (first prize) or 3 x £100 (runner-up prizes)
The Guild, as always, is striving to be responsive to your membership needs so let us know your thoughts about the Guild. Do you know what we do? Have you ever been to Guild Council? are the hoodies overpriced? Are the queues in Joe's too long? Have your say here.

2. PGR Employment
Conducted by: The NUS
Prize: £50 of Amazon vouchers
Many Postgraduate Research (PGR) students are employed by their institutions for research or teaching duties. The NUS hopes to ensure that they receive the support and pay that they deserve. To aid this campaign, they need PGRs to voice their opinions here.

3. Postgraduate Education
Conducted by: The University of Birmingham
Prize: £500 (first prize) and 17 x £100 (runner-up prizes)
The student body at the University of Birmingham are roughly 40% postgraduate students. As such, the University wants to learn more about our educational experience. Click here to have your say.

Happy clicking!

The Democratic Structure Review (DSR)

It wouldn't be a year in the Guild without a re-shuffle of the ol' democratic structures.

As such, the Guild Officer Group have proposed a Democratic Structure Review (otherwise known as the snazzily-titled DSR).

Tom Guise, Vice-President of Democracy & Resources, has blogged the proposals here.

Remember, the Guild is a membership organisation and therefore you all have a stake in this. It is important that we hear your views on the proposals.

Please contact Tom directly at with your thoughts and suggestions.