I previously mentioned on an earlier blog that I was participating in a workshop to help write a new Strategic Vision for the University. My workshop focussed on a National perspective, whilst the others looked at Regional and International.
The first of the two National workshops has now taken place. We used this workshop to mindmap a series of responses to three questions. The questions and some of the responses are as follows:
Q1. What factors and drivers will influence our strategy and capacity to position ourselves at a national level?
- political climate (especially the General Election).
- economic climate.
- review of HE Funding.
- green agenda.
- use of new technology.
Q2. What outcomes might we seek to achieve to position ourselves on a national level? What type of University do we want to be?
- to top the national and international league tables.
- to have diverse funding streams.
- increase our profile and blow our own trumpet!
- engage with stakeholders: students, public, media, alumni, etc.
- take pride in our heritage: industrial chic!
- take pride in our staff team.
Q3. What are the most important challenges we face in meeting our aims? How can we take control of how we define ourselves?
- communicating the strategy and getting the staff buy-in.
- making tough choices and sticking with them.
- clear vision: defining our strengths and weaknesses.
- managing expectations of staff.
No specifics will be decided until the second workshop. In the meantime, you can read the full summary of the first workshop here.
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