I had a catch-up with Amanda Parsons this morning, co-chair of the PGMSA last year.
The PGMSA is the Postgraduate & Mature Students' Association. It is a group of students who provide networking events and ensure all postgraduates are represented. In many ways, they are a group of students who do similar work to my role and we will work closely together over the next year to help each other with our projects.
The catch-up was very useful and we bounced some ideas off each other.
These included:
- a networking event going to the German Christmas Market.
- helping Fabian with his proposal for a Literary Festival at the Shakespeare Institute.
- arranging a Show & Tell event, whereby postgraduates (both research and taught) are given five minutes to talk about their studies. Everybody will then vote for the student who inspired them the most.
Most importantly, we are planning the PGMSA Annual General Meeting. This will take place at some point during the week beginning Monday 16th November. At the AGM, we will elect a new PGMSA Committee (although no active students will be turned away) and everybody will be asked to discuss issues that they face & events they would like to see happen. The exact details will follow.
The Association needs to be a success this year and I am determined to help them wherever possible.